The Book of Beginnings, Volume 1
Commentaries on Genesis today range from the fanciful to the technical. The book of beginnings has been debated for centuries by theologians, linguists, and scientists.
The Book of Beginnings, Volume 2: Noah, the Flood, and the New World
Many in the Christian world today are confused about the true significance of the book of Genesis. Is it allegory? A collection of myths? “Spiritual” truth that shouldn’t be taken literally?
The Book of Beginnings, Volume 3
Genesis has become, for some, the forgotten book. Many pastors and teachers avoid it for fear of controversy. The result is that growing numbers of Christians are ignorant of God’s revelation about our beginnings. In his Book of Beginnings trilogy, Dr. Henry Morris III addresses the tough issues of the Genesis record in a straightforward, comprehensible manner, clearly demonstrating that Genesis can only be understood as God’s inerrant record of real human history.